How does iConnect Compare?

Compare your Web EDI to iConnect's iExchangeWeb.

  • Does your Web EDI provider give you the best available pricing on a month to month subscription without a long term contract to "lock you in"?
  • Can you set up email alerts for when new documents arrive and easily email your documents to others?
  • Can you optionally integrate your Web EDI data to and from your ERP system and choose which trading partners to integrate?
  • Do you have the ability to set up your own Users and control their access to your documents by trading partner and/or by document type?
  • Can you search your documents by document type, trading partner or other criteria?
  • Does your Web EDI provider allow you to add new trading partners quickly and easily?
  • Are document entry Forms for your ASNs customized for each trading partner's requirements and is data from incoming documents carried over?

Compare your Value Added Network to iConnect's VAN.

  • Does your VAN charge you a flat rate for your traffic with no surcharges or gotchas to make your monthly charges simple and predictable?
  • Does your VAN provide you the best available pricing without a long term contract to "lock you in"?
  • Do you have Hybrid capability which provides the added feature of viewing your EDI documents in a human readable form?
  • Do you have the ability to set up your own Users and control their access to your documents by trading partner and/or by document type?
  • Can you instantly restore archived documents up to 36 months as needed?
  • Can you manage your own trading partner setups and VAN interconnects?
  • Does your VAN allow you immediate access to your Mailbag ID to track your documents?

If the answer to any of these questions is "No", perhaps we should speak. Please contact us at or 734-930-4274.